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Monday, February 1, 2010

What's That?

Today, Charlotte started pointing to things and saying, "What's that?" She did this numerous times while looking at books & magazines. It was "What's that?, What's that?, What's that?, What's that?" repeatedly. I think it is great that she has become so inquisitive. I have a feeling that this is the beginning of Charlotte asking many, many questions. Let's hope I have all of the answers.

My favorite "What's that?" of the day was when Charlotte watched as Ben got his diaper changed. She pointed to his penis and said, "What's that?" Her first discovery of one of life's many mysteries...

In other news, tonight Charlotte managed to get her feet & legs in her footie pajamas and partially zip them up all by herself.

Nothing new to report in the pee department. Both Hazel & Charlotte have sat on their potties, but no peeing has taken place.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Potty Time

Hello Blog. I haven't seen you for a very long time. I didn't mean to abandon you. I blinked, and then a year went by. Hopefully, I'll find the time to write some posts describing some of the past year's important events. For now, in an effort to start the new year off right, I am here to document a momentous occasion for Charlotte. She peed in the potty for the first time tonight!

Here's how it happened. Ante put Charlotte in the bath. She said she wanted to get out because she had to go potty. So, Ante sat Charlotte on her little yellow potty, and she actually peed. We were all very proud, especially since she didn't pee in the bath! We aren't planning to start potty training anytime soon, but this is certainly an important first step in that direction.

Not to be outdone, Hazel then wanted to pee in her potty. But I had just changed her wet diaper. So, there really wasn't any pee to be peed. Hazel did manage however to squeeze out a couple of drops. We praised her for the effort.